Are you an Autumn? The Autumn seasonal color palette explained

Personally, my favorite season is fall. I live in Delaware, which is quite hot and humid in the summer. When the hot humid weather turns to crisp Autumn days, it feels magical! The smell of the falling leaves, and the sound of them crunching under my feet will never get old.

As for Autumn seasonal type, each seasonal type has it’s own unique beauty and it’s own beautiful color palette.  For Autumn types, a true Autumn color palette is full of shades that are Warm, Deep, and Muted. Get started with your analysis today!


What is an Autumn color palette?

An Autumn season color palette is full of warm colors like mustard yellow, eggplant purple, and pumpkin orange.  Some of the neutral Autumn colors are ivory, cream, khaki, olive green, and brown.  True Autumn color palette clothing is warm, rich, and earthy – think of the colors of the fall leaves, the bark of the trees, and the deep evergreens.

There are 3 different coloring patterns that we see in Autumn types, and that they each need a unique Autumn seasonal color palette.  Are these palettes entirely different?  No.  There are definitely colors that overlap – most of the neutrals do, but there are some important differences in the other colors depending on that particular Autumn’s skin tone, hair, and eye color.  Autumn palettes vary, depending on their dominant quality – soft, warm, or deep. Learn about the palette analysis here.

Here’s how we break down the types:

Calm Autumn – The soft Autumn color palette

Copper Autumn – The warm Autumn color palette

Twilight Autumn – The deep Autumn color palette (or sometimes referred to as the Dark Autumn color palette)


Here is an example of a our Copper Autumn color palette:

(fall season image)


How do we determine your seasonal color type?

First, we always do a broad color analysis based on your photos (we require at least 7!) and the answers you gave us in the questionnaire.  If you’re identified as an Autumn type in the broad seasonal color analysis, then we do a much more specific Autumn seasonal color analysis to determine which of the 3 types of Autumn you are.  This gets you in the exact right Autumn palette for your unique coloring.


A few classic Autumn color combinations that would work for all of the 3 types would be:

Olive green, ivory, pumpkin orange

Chocolate brown, cream, wheat

Twilight teal, pimento, peony


Autumn celebrities include: 

 Emma Watson (Calm Autumn)

Julianne Moore (Copper Autumn)

Eva Longoria (Twilight Autumn)

The exact right Autumn season colors for each of the 3 seasonal types highlights their natural beauty!

The Autumn colors palette is so beautiful, rich, and warm!  If you’re one of the 3 true Autumn types, you’ll find that one of the 3 Autumn color palettes will suit you perfectly! Get your analysis done now.


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Are You a Summer?

Are You a Winter?