Not Your Mother’s Seasonal Color Analysis

Often, when I tell people I’m a professional color analyst, they ask “Wait…is that what my Mom had done in the 80’s/90’s?”  Well, yes…and no. When I was looking for someone to do my colors for the first time, I had such a hard time finding seasonal color analysis near me.  And I’m in the Philadelphia area, so a major …

What is Seasonal Color Analysis

What is Seasonal Color Analysis?

Did you know that not every color looks good on every person?  The right colors can make your skin look brighter, your eyes and teeth look whiter, and give you that natural glow!  While the wrong colors for you can drag you down, wash you out, overwhelm you, and even make you look older, tired, and sick! A color consultation …

Hate Your Clothes?

Do you ever look in your closet and feel like this? Do you have TONS of clothes and still “nothing to wear?” Do you ever feel confused, frustrated, or overwhelmed by your clothing? Here’s the secret! Have less clothing. But what should you keep? ONLY YOUR BEST COLORS! Why would you wear anything that isn’t a great color that makes …

How to Look Good on Zoom!

So many of us are suddenly doing Zoom chats to connect with fellow workers and also family and friends. Here are 3 Quick Tips for looking better on your Zoom chats: 1) Wear a color that contrasts with your background. If the wall behind you is beige, and you’re wearing a beige sweater, you’ll just faaaaaade into the background. So, …

What Colors are Best on You?

Not everyone looks good in every color. Some colors highlight your natural beauty, while others make you look older, tired, and washed out. How do you know the difference? That’s where we can help! We analyze your hair, skin, and eye color to match you with your perfect color palette for clothing. So that you buy colors that are right …

Are you WARM or COOL?

Discovering whether you’re warm-toned or cool-toned overall can help you understand why certain colors make you glow, and others well…don’t. These two celebrities are great examples of an extremely warm-toned person versus an extremely cool-toned person. Julianne Moore is WARM. Red hair, peaches and cream skin, and warm golden green eyes puts her on the far side of the WARM …

Simplify Your Online Clothes Shopping

One of the things I hear most from our clients is – “shopping is so easy now!” After their consultation, it’s completely clear what are the most flattering clothing colors for them because they are right there on their color card! That makes online shopping (which we are ALL doing right now since the stores are closed) super easy! If …


Get Started with Color Guru [VIDEO]

Have you had someone say to you “that color looks great on you”? They may have been right but not every color looks great on everyone. Some shades bring out your natural beauty while others may not. It’s important to be aware of what suits you best. The key is knowing how to wear hues that compliment you. Find the …